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Plasma cleaning before plastic silk screen

Plasma cleaning can be used in various general printing processes such as pad printing, silk screen printing and offset printing. Plasma pretreatment enables reliable and durable adhesion of low-adhesion water-based inks to otherwise difficult-to-adhere surfaces such as polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), polyamide (PA), polycarbonate (PC) ), glass or metal surfaces. Due to the high efficiency of the plasma process, it also increases the printing speed of the product. For example, when printing on certain packaging materials, it is possible to increase the printing speed by 30%. Quality improvements for full print images.

As a pre-press process, plasma pre-treatment improves the long-lasting adhesion of solvent-based inks, improves the quality of printed images, enhances the durability and weather resistance of printed products, and enables brighter colors and better pattern printing. accurate. Compared with corona treatment, if a homogeneous plasma is used on the surface of heat-sensitive materials, it will not cause any damage to the surface.

Plasma cleaning can handle a variety of materials, whether it is metal, semiconductor, oxide, or polymer materials (such as polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, teflon, polyimide, etc.) , polyester, epoxy resin and other polymers) can be treated with plasma. Therefore, it is especially suitable for materials that are not resistant to heat and solvents. Moreover, the whole, local or complex structure of the material can be selectively cleaned; while cleaning and decontamination are completed, the surface properties of the material itself can also be improved. Such as improving the wetting properties of the surface, improving the adhesion of the film, etc., which are very important in many applications.