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Technical Services

The times are advancing, and intelligent manufacturing technology is constantly innovating.
We have been committed to providing global users with professional surface treatment and inspection overall solutions

With the increasing demand for intelligent industrial products, Shengding Precision has not forgotten its original intention and formed a very complete product series layout. Our equipment is widely used in the 6C industry, semiconductor industry, FPD industry, LED industry, PCB/FPC industry, and material industry. As well as major domestic research institutes and universities, Shengding Precision has a wide and in-depth customer base. At present, there are users such as Huawei, Xiaomi, BOE, Foxconn, BYD, Lens, Bourne, South China University of Technology, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen University, etc.

SinDin Precision adheres to the market orientation and insists on investing in research and development to make good products. The team has the innovative spirit of daring to think and the pragmatic style of extreme concentration. At present, we have independent and interrelated product alliances, contact angle measuring instrument, plasma cleaning machine, USC ultrasonic dust removal, ion static elimination device, four major categories of products are intensively cultivated in each subdivision. In the future, Shengding Precision will continue to be customer-centric and strive to build competitive products and teams in the industry.