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Mobile phone glass cover surface cleaning and activation

The glass cover of the mobile phone is also called LENS, which is the glass on the top of the TP. LENS is used to protect CTP or TFT. Usually the screen of our mobile phone is broken, but the touch function is still normal, because it is the LENS that is broken, not the CTP or TFT itself. With the rapid development of science and technology, the 3D glass cover of mobile phone has become the main force of mobile phone cover. The protective effect of the mobile phone cover on the mobile phone is: anti-drop, anti-scratch, waterproof and anti-fingerprint, etc.

In the production process of mobile phone parts, there are often residues of organic substances such as grease, oil, wax, fingerprints, dust and other organic substances on the surface of the parts. Before coating, printing, spraying, bonding, welding, PVD and other processes, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned to ensure the quality of subsequent processes. Of course, different cleaning methods have different cleaning effects. In addition to some commonly used physical and chemical methods, a high-tech cleaning technology has emerged and gradually matured—plasma cleaning. The plasma cleaning machine uses gas as the cleaning medium. The plasma in the cleaning chamber gently washes the surface of the object to be cleaned during operation. The organic pollutants can be thoroughly cleaned in a short time of cleaning, and the pollutants are evacuated by the vacuum pump. Its cleaning degree reaches the molecular level, and because the cleaning medium is air, it effectively avoids secondary pollution of the objects to be cleaned by liquid cleaning medium.

Different processing companies have different cleaning process periods. Generally, they need to be cleaned after edging, and then polished again. It mainly cleans the residual residue on the surface. The cleaning process: plasma → ultrasonic → drying → baking.

The contact angle of glass material before cleaning is relatively high. When ultrasonic cleaning is used, due to the hydrophobicity of the material, the cleaning effect of ultrasonic vibration will be affected. Plasma cleaning can improve the surface hydrophilicity, and ultrasonic cleaning can better clean the residual substances on the surface.

Using online atmospheric rotating multi-head plasma for pretreatment can cause significant changes in the surface bonds and groups of glass lotus slices, significantly increase the content of silicon hydrogen groups on the surface of the substrate, and at the same time enhance the hydrophilicity, and the surface will not be rough, so that it can be Effectively activate the surface of the material. The online type can be connected to the automatic production line, realize fully automatic processing, and customize the multi-head according to the demand. The production process of the whole process is stable and the consistency of the product is improved.

In order to verify the effect of the plasma cleaner, the testers used the plasma cleaner to clean the glass cover plate. The surface cleanliness system is used to evaluate the level of residual contaminants in the cleaning of the glass cover. The RFU value (Relative Fluorescence Units) indicates the level of cleanliness, and RFU is the relative fluorescence intensity value. The larger the RFU value, the higher the residual contaminant content on the surface.

  Test Results:
  Sample: A white-edged glass cover
  Before cleaning---------Blue result
   Plasma cleaning for 2 seconds -------- green result

  It can be seen from the above results that the untreated samples are seriously polluted; the samples treated with the plasma cleaner are very clean and have the lowest RFU value.

 Through the above experimental data, it can be seen that the plasma cleaning technology achieves a more detailed and higher level of cleaning. Plasma cleaners and their cleaning technology have been widely used in fields such as optics, electronic components, machinery, aerospace, and polymer industries that require fine cleaning, and are an important technology to improve product quality.