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Plasma in FPD industry application

With the gradual maturity of the domestic FPD industry and the increasingly fierce competition in the global FPD industry, stable quality has become the main competitive selling point. FPD and binding are an indispensable process to ensure the quality of FPD.

At present, the binding technology is mainly divided into COB, COF, TCP, COG and other processes. The biggest problem in the binding process is the presence of contaminants on the binding surface, which leads to the reduction of binding quality and potting strength after binding. , which directly affects the quality and service life of the FPD. In order to effectively solve this problem, the traditional method is to clean the glass surface with chemical reagents to achieve the activity of the glass surface and make the binding stronger, but the problems of chemical pollution and cost are becoming more and more serious. Plasma cleaning is a completely dry cleaning technology, without chemical pollution, secondary pollution, and fully activated glass surface, so that the subsequent processes such as COB, COF, TCP, COG and other processes can be completed more smoothly.

The process gas is ionized into plasma by high-frequency voltage, and the plasma has the dual effects of surface physical bombardment and chemical reaction on the object to be cleaned, which can significantly change the adhesion and welding strength of the surface of the object to be cleaned, and make the surface material of the object to be cleaned become particles. And gaseous substances, and achieve the purpose of cleaning, activation, etching, greatly improve the bonding reliability and improve yield. And plasma treatment is safe, environmentally friendly and economical in the process of improving the surface of any material.