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Sindin Precision Company Activities Rose Coast BBQ


In order to enrich the spare time life of employees, activate the cultural atmosphere of the company, and enjoy the fun of collective activities in the spare time of intense and busy work, on June 4th, the company held an event on the beautiful Rose Coast, which was actively participated by all colleagues. . Sindin Precision is a young team, and we usually get along like a family. At 9 o'clock in the morning, everyone set off in a mighty manner, and we arrived at our destination at 11 o'clock. At this time, our mood was as hot as the weather. Colleagues usually stay in air-conditioned rooms to work, and they all joked that they came for free dry steaming.

In the afternoon, after a heavy rain. There is a cool breeze blowing from the seaside, and it is a good time for barbecue. Taking advantage of the strong charcoal fire, the barbecue officially kicked off. Colleagues showed their cooking skills, laughter and laughter lingered in the air along with the smoke, everyone ate all kinds of food baked by themselves, and talked about all kinds of interesting things they encountered in work and life, and it was fun!


The purpose of this barbecue activity is to enrich the life of Sindin Precision's employees, so that everyone can enjoy a relaxed mood after intense work. After the tour, we returned to work, and our mood suddenly became brighter.
