Home > News > Company Information > The full moon is full of China, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is gathered in love. Sindin Garden Tour, feel the temperature of Shengding with you!

The full moon is full of China, and the Mid-Autumn Festival is gathered in love. Sindin Garden Tour, feel the temperature of Shengding with you!


The Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Moon Festival, the Autumn Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the August Festival, the August Meeting, the Moon Chasing Festival, the Moon Playing Festival, the Moon Worship Festival, the Girls' Festival or the Reunion Festival, is popular among many ethnic groups in China and the cultural circle of Chinese characters. The traditional cultural festivals of various countries are on the fifteenth day of the eighth lunar month;

The Mid-Autumn Festival has traditional customs such as viewing the moon, eating moon cakes, hanging lanterns, and guessing lantern riddles. Life needs a sense of ritual, because with ritual, our life has hope, and our spirit is more abundant. When the Mid-Autumn Festival is full of moon again, Shengdingyuan Tour will make you not alone!

At the beginning of the preparations, we were planning every fun game every day, imagining the hot scene at the scene, and looking forward to this day. September 7, for Sheng Ding, is destined to be an unusual day. Although the activity has passed for a long time, the happy smiling faces of the children and the sweaty game process of colleagues still emerge in front of our eyes, look!

The handsome little brother and the beautiful young ladies and sisters that we agreed to make an appearance!

Brother Qiang cut the ribbon, and the good show started.

Brother Jun of the Tanghulu group is in high spirits, and the handsome sister Ye is a good DJ.

If you haven't eaten ice cream that is sweet to your first love, then you must take a look at me in the crowd! Come on, handsome guy, it's hot, one ice cream, one coupon.

Our stall owners worked hard to arrange the venues, draw iron wires, flannel cloth, hang KT boards, explain the rules of the game, solve problems on the spot, and clear the venue afterwards. All of them have high morale and no complaints. When the weather is affected by our emotions and the heat is unabated, the hard work can be imagined. With the start of the game, people poured into the venue, and the scene was full of laughter and laughter. All the hard work and hard work paid off! Sindin is a young team, a friendly team, a passionate team, and a dedicated team. On this Mid-Autumn Festival,
Sindin Precision wishes everyone: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.
