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Sindin Precision resumes work across the board | Work together to fire the first shot of 2020!


On February 2, the dragon raised its head,
Everything is full of life, and spring ploughing begins here
Since ancient times, this day
It is a good day to pray for blessings, to receive auspiciousness, and to transfer
And on this day,
Shengding Precision has resumed work across the board!

On February 24, 2020, we lined up early at the entrance of the company, kept a distance, and waited for disinfection, temperature measurement, and masks.

Everyone consciously abides by the "all staff wear masks throughout the day", and silently contributes to the health of themselves and others.

Resumption of production to protect and control, and epidemic prevention and control to promote production! With the resumption of work, the company became lively again, and the brothers in the production department started busy production operations.

In order to ensure the safety of employees returning to work, the company started a full-scale disinfection of the factory area two weeks ago.

Sindin Precision insists on putting the safety of employees first. The company cancels centralized meals and adopts the "pre-order meal, unified packaging, and distributed meal system", just to avoid the risk of people gathering.

The resumption of work is not an inflection point, the severe test has just begun! All the staff of Sindin Precision will unite as one, prevent and control the group, and ensure the stability and safety of the production and operation period! Dedicated to serving all customers! Go all out for customer orders and work together to fight the market.