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Let's run! 2021丨 Sindin Precision 2021 Annual Meeting and Commendation and Appreciation Meeting!


Let's run! 2021

The Taurus welcomes the spring, time flies, and in a blink of an eye it is a new year. At 17:00 on January 15, 2021, Sindin Precision successfully held the "Sindin Precision 2021 Annual Work Conference and" Run! 2021" New Year's Commendation and Appreciation Ceremony.Due to the severe epidemic prevention and control situation recently, considering that Sindin Precision's distributors and partners come from all over the country, for the safety and health of the participants, no guests were invited to the scene to participate in the commendation and appreciation meeting.

Leader's speech: In his speech, General Manager Su Yipeng reviewed and summarized the development history of Sindin Precision in the past year, and planned and interpreted the work focus and strategic direction in 2021.

The past 2020 has been a very special year. It is also an extraordinary year for Sindin Precision. Although affected by the new crown epidemic, the industrial production market has suffered unprecedented difficulties and challenges, but it has not been able to stop it. Sindin Precision is moving forward steadily and stepping up the pace of development. The annual sales growth rate has reached more than 20%, and the goal set for 2020 has been achieved. In 2021, Sindin Precision will create high-end new products based on standardization, responsibility and professionalism to give back to customers and contribute to the development of the industry.

Year-end commendation

Lucky Draw

Standing at a new starting point and starting a new journey, Sindin Precision will surely follow the trend in 2021, let's run! 2021.
