Home > News > Company Information > Mid-year message, more than half of 2018 has passed, to every one of you in Sindin!

Mid-year message, more than half of 2018 has passed, to every one of you in Sindin!


HI, my colleagues in Sindin, time flies, and the year is fleeting, congratulations, after this year's 11th, all the holidays in 2018 have been completed. The rest is work, work, work again, the small goals set at the beginning of the year, have you achieved them?

In the first half of 2018, with the hard work and cooperation of all colleagues, Shengding's sales reached a new high! Thanks to Shengding for this all-encompassing platform, and to every colleague who works hard.

Let's wait and see, at the end of the year, the horn of victory will be blown, and the sound of the waves of our cheers will resound from every corner and reach everyone's heart.
