Home > News > Company Information > Good news spread frequently | Sindin Precision won the excellent Product Award of the 2022 Dongguan Cup International Industrial Design Competition.

Good news spread frequently | Sindin Precision won the excellent Product Award of the 2022 Dongguan Cup International Industrial Design Competition.


"Dongguan Cup", as the first design competition named after a city for 18 consecutive years, is jointly held by Dongguan Industry and Information Technology Bureau, Guangdong Industrial Design Association, Dongguan Branch of Southern newspaper Media Group and Dongguan Angel Club. 9966 projects were collected from more than 10 international countries and regions and more than 20 domestic provinces and cities, including the United States, Britain, Italy and Japan. 
The evaluation activity invited well-known industrial design experts, hundreds of billions of enterprise design leaders, well-known enterprise management experts, arbitration lawyers and other people to participate. Through a day of intense evaluation, Sindin Precision won the excellent product award of this competition!

Sindin, founded in 2012, is committed to providing professional surface treatment and testing solutions for users around the world. 
After years of continuous R & D investment and technology accumulation, we have successively developed microwave plasma cleaning machine, on-line chip microwave plasma cleaning machine, off-line microwave plasma degumming machine, plasma degumming machine and other equipment, which can be used in the packaging process of semiconductor industry, as well as plasma activation, degumming and etching in wafer manufacturing process. 
Sindin leading products-plasma cleaning, activation, degumming, etching equipment, have been widely used in 6C consumer electronics industry, semiconductor industry, FPD display industry, OLED industry, and have been highly recognized by Xiaomi, BOE, BYD Electronics, Lance Technology, Bourne Optics, Foxconn and other world-renowned manufacturers. 
To provide professional customized intelligent manufacturing solutions for industry customers, among which the annual sales of atmospheric plasma cleaning machines have been the first in China for four consecutive years.

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