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Sindin Small Lecture Hall | Plasma Cleaner improves the Reliability of Solar Photovoltaic Panel package


In 2017, state leaders proposed in the report of the 19th CPC National Congress that we must establish and practice the concept that "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains" and strive for development at the height of harmonious symbiosis between man and nature. 

The ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development. Only through the development and use of clean energy can we protect the ecological environment and take the road of green development.

Solar photovoltaic of clean energy

In general, the use environment of solar photovoltaic panels is harsh, and the design and service life of photovoltaic power stations is 25 years, so the reliability of solar photovoltaic module packaging is particularly important. 
In the photovoltaic industry process, which links will affect the final package effect?

Photovoltaic industry process

Obviously, in the mid-stream solar photovoltaic panel manufacturing process, backplane reliability, laminated parts technology, integral photovoltaic module packaging technology and so on are important factors that affect the reliability of solar photovoltaic panel packaging. 
Let's learn how to use plasma technology to improve the reliability of solar photovoltaic module packaging!

Plasma cleaning machine to improve the reliability of solar photovoltaic module packaging!

In the production process of solar photovoltaic panels, there are a large number of coating, composite, bonding, hot pressing and other processes, the use of plasma technology activation, can effectively improve the wettability of the material surface, thus improving the overall packaging effect.

01 Plasma cleaning machine improves the Reliability of Solar Photovoltaic backplane

Solar backpanels need to have excellent weather resistance, high insulation and low water permeability. 
The weather resistance, water repellent and oil repellent properties of fluorine-containing materials can well meet this requirement, but the water repellent and oil repellent properties are not conducive to compounding with the substrate, so the use of plasma cleaning before coating / compounding with the substrate (PET) can effectively improve the reliability of the coating / composite of fluorine-containing materials and substrates.

02 Plasma cleaning machine  to improve the reliability of solar photovoltaic laminated parts

Simply understand, photovoltaic lamination process is the photovoltaic glass, battery, backplane three major components, through the EVA bonding process.

In the process of laminated parts, the surface treatment of fluorine film on the surface and bottom plate of photovoltaic glass by plasma cleaning machine can better combine with EVA and improve the bonding strength of each component of laminated parts.

03 Plasma cleaning machine to improve the reliability of solar photovoltaic modules

After the laminated parts are completed, the frame, sealant and junction box are added to complete the production of our main body "solar photovoltaic panel". 
In this link, the use of plasma cleaning machine to deal with the frame, in theory, the sealing effect will be improved to a certain extent. 
With the addition of inverter, bus box, bracket, battery and so on, an overall photovoltaic system can be completed.

So far, we only understand how plasma improves the reliability of solar photovoltaic panel packaging process, and the quality of photovoltaic panels is also very important. 
In the next article, we will start from the silicon wafer to disassemble the solar photovoltaic panel process to understand the application of plasma in its process!
