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Will you join us?? Dashengding Annual Meeting: Looking for Programs with Heavy Money and Sharing the Joy


Recently, there are always some clever ghosts discussing: "I heard that Sindin is going to hold an annual meeting?" "Is this year as lively as last year?" "Who will win the first prize?" The guide must come out to clarify: yes, you guessed it right, the end of 2018 - 2019 New Year's festival! The lively Sindin annual meeting is here!

Following orders from the superiors, this annual meeting is divided into seven divisions: sales, R&D, production, synthesis, Chongqing Office, Kunshan Office, Juhe Company, and seven team leaders are appointed. Excellent program selection and rehearsal for each group. The team members are talented, the team leader is more relaxed, the team members do not appear on the stage, and the team leader comes in person. so! Whether it's solo, duet, duet, singing and dancing; whether it's sketches, cross talk, dance cross-section, chorus.

This year, there will be good-looking programs, fun games, and various lottery draws. It is said that there are too many prizes to count, even if you just sit quietly in the lobby
The beautiful man who is nibbling on melon seeds and applauding silently with his little hands, don't worry, there will always be a chance for you to play.
