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Grind · Fusion 2022 | Sindin Precision 2022 Strategy Conference and Annual Conference Ceremony


Bringing together wisdom and strength, creating the future with science and technology

In 2021, we are changing, discovering new trends and shaping new patterns,

In 2022, we will not be afraid of changes, gather wisdom and strength, and create the future with science and technology!

On January 15, 2022, Shengding Precision successfully held the "2022 Shengding Precision Strategy Conference and Annual Conference" at the Evergrande Hot Spring Hotel in Enping, Guangdong.

Annual Strategy Conference

In 2021, Sindin Precision will achieve sustained profitability and high growth for three consecutive years, with a performance increase of over 120%, exceeding expectations to complete its business goals.

In 2022, stand on a new starting point and continue to explore the upward force. Mr. Su delivered a keynote speech on the topic of "Grinding · Fusion 2022".

walk to the future

At the beginning of 2022, Mr. Su recalled how the Sindin family walked together and struggled together. Although everyone is fighting in different positions, they always think in one place, seek wisdom in one place, and work hard in one place.

Strategic layout in 2022

Facing the new trends in the future digital world and analyzing the current market pattern, Mr. Su has laid out the strategic direction of Sindin Precision in 2022. Adhere to market-oriented, customer-centric, provide cost-effective products, quick response and thoughtful service. Continue to promote internal "building block modularization" and "parallel process optimization".

Annual ceremony

Sindin's performance in 2021 exceeded expectations, and behind this is the hard work and dedication of all Sindin family members! After the selection, the annual meeting selected "Annual Outstanding Progress Award", "Sindin Flower", "Golden After-sales", "Annual Outstanding Employee Award", "Sales Champion", "Innovative Technology Award", "Five Years of Honor" 9 awards. Prizes and bonuses fly together, red envelopes and good luck!

Enjoy the feast

After the annual meeting, the Shengding family gathered together again. Everyone sang and laughed, and the atmosphere was hot. Sit around and enjoy the wonderful taste of food!

In 2021, which is full of challenges, I am grateful for the company and dedication of the Sindin family. May all the laughter and happiness continue throughout 2022. May we keep our love and go to the next mountain and sea together! Next year, we will fight again!
