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[Sindin Holiday Notice] Recalling the deceased and sending grief


Qingming Holiday Notice

In accordance with the spirit of the notice issued by the General Office of the State Council and in light of the company's actual situation, the 2022 Qingming Festival holiday arrangements are hereby notified as follows:

We will be closed from April 3 (Sunday) to April 5 (Tuesday) for a total of 3 days. April 2nd (Saturday) to make up shifts, April 6th (Wednesday) to work normally.

During the holiday, Sindin Precision will suspend business such as logistics and delivery. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you! For business matters, please contact the relevant sales manager.

Traditional customs of Qingming Festival

Qingming Festival is an ancient festival of the Chinese nation. It is not only a solemn festival to sweep graves and worship ancestors, but also a joyous festival for people to get close to nature, go out and enjoy the fun of spring.

Sweeping tombs and worshiping ancestors: Sweeping tombs during the Qingming Festival is a "tomb sacrifice", which is called "respect for the time" to ancestors. Sweeping ancestors is a way of cherishing the memory of ancestors, and its custom has a long history. Expressing the filial piety of the sacrificer and the longing for the ancestors is a cultural tradition of respecting the ancestors and chasing the future with caution.

Kite flying: Kite is also known as "paper kite" and "yuan'er". Kite flying is a favorite activity during the Qingming Festival. During the Qingming Festival, people put it not only during the day, but also at night. At night, a string of colored small lanterns, like twinkling stars, are hung under the kite or on the wind steady pull line, which are called "magic lanterns".

Outing: The Chinese nation has the custom of Qingming outing since ancient times. In ancient times, outings were called "Tanchun", "Xunchun", etc., which were called spring outings, also known as "Taking Spring". Its source is the custom of welcoming spring in ancient farming sacrifices, which has far-reaching influence on later generations.

Qingming Festival Epidemic Prevention and Control

Recently, the new crown epidemic has spread in many places in my country, and the prevention and control situation is still severe and complicated. The majority of friends should be the first responsible person for personal health and do a good job in personal protection.

Adhere to the "three-piece set" of epidemic prevention: wearing masks, maintaining social distance, and paying attention to personal hygiene.

Keep in mind the "five requirements" for protection: wear masks, keep social distance, cover coughs and sneezes, wash hands frequently, and keep windows open as much as possible.

Do a good job of self-health monitoring: report and seek medical attention as soon as possible after symptoms of suspected new coronary pneumonia such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, loss of smell (taste), nasal congestion, runny nose, sore throat, conjunctivitis, myalgia and diarrhea.
