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Who is the "invisible killer" of integrated circuits?


Electrostatic discharge can occur when a person holds a printed circuit board close to a charged object, such as a human body, package, cables, or other objects that may accumulate a large amount of electrical charge. The release of these pooled charges in a short period of time generates a large current pulse, which generates a lot of heat inside the chip and in the circuit board. In extreme cases, the pulse current will burn out the chip and the circuit board.

The ablation caused by the electrostatic discharge of the integrated circuit plastic packaging material (left) and the damage to the internal circuit of the chip (right)

What is static electricity?

Static electricity refers to the relatively static charge carried on the insulating material, which is a charging phenomenon formed by the transfer of electrons between the materials when different objects contact and rub. These charges accumulate on the surface of objects and do not flow as easily as currents in metal conductors, hence the name static electricity.

Is Industrial Static a "Troublemaker"?

The damage of static electricity is not the electricity, but the voltage. Static electricity below 1kV cannot be felt by the human body at all, but it is easy to cause various hazards in the process of production, storage and transportation.

Industrial static electricity is static electricity generated and accumulated on materials, devices, human bodies, equipment and structures during production, storage and transportation. In industrial manufacturing, the electrostatic effects of electrostatic discharge (ESD) and electrostatic attraction (ESA) cause inevitable harm to industrial manufacturing.

For manufacturing equipment, how to effectively remove static electricity is a huge problem. Manufacturing plants are under constant pressure to increase productivity and reduce material costs. Therefore, eliminating industrial static electricity has become an important part of industrial production.

Hazards of Electrostatic Discharge (ESD)

◆ It may cause malfunction or malfunction of electronic equipment and cause electromagnetic interference.
◆ Breakdown of integrated circuits and precision electronic components, or promote component aging, reduce production yield.
◆ High voltage electrostatic discharge can cause electric shock and endanger personal safety.
◆ It is very easy to cause explosion and fire in the production place with many inflammable and explosive materials or dust and oil mist.

The Hazards of Electrostatic Attraction (ESA)

Electronics industryAbsorbs dust, causing contamination of integrated circuits and semiconductor components, greatly reducing yield.

Film and Plastics IndustryMake the film or film unwinding unevenly; film and CD plastic disk are contaminated with dust, which affects the quality.

Paper and Printing IndustryUneven paper winding, inaccurate overprinting, serious dirt absorption, and even paper adhesion, affect production.

Textile industryCauses root silk fluttering, tangled flowers and broken ends, yarn entanglement and other hazards.

Aiming at the above-mentioned hazards of electrostatic discharge (ESD) and electrostatic attraction (ESA), it can be solved and avoided by static eliminator. Sindin's static eliminator can effectively eliminate static electricity on the production site. According to the working conditions of different applicable occasions, various shapes of static eliminators are designed. It is roughly divided into three types: ion air nozzle, ion fan, and ion air rod.

