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Sindin Small Lecture Hall | ESD Protection methods in Electronics Industry


ESD Protection methods in Electronics Industry

01 The harm of ESD to Electronic products

With the development trend of miniaturization and intelligence of electronic products, the degree of integration of electronic devices will be higher and higher, and the prevention and control of ESD will be more and more strict.

Types of damage caused by static electricity to electronic products:

Electrostatic discharge: components are broken down and burned out, resulting in failure. 
Electrostatic adsorption: reduce the insulation resistance of components (shorten life). 
Electromagnetic interference: cause interference to electronic products and disrupt their function.

According to the statistics of RAC (American Reliability Analysis Center), the ESD failure rate of highly electrostatic sensitive devices is as high as 60%. Therefore, in the manufacturing process of electronic products, it is necessary to establish an effective ESD protection system and constantly improve the enterprise electrostatic protection facilities and technical level in order to ensure the product quality of electronic equipment.

02 ESD Protection methods in Electronics Industry


Control the generation of electrostatic charge: 
Reduce friction: define the operation requirements and reduce the friction action. 
Avoid induced static electricity: avoid using high electrostatic materials and avoid direct contact with sensitive electronic components with bare hands. 
Reduce the accumulation of static charge: use anti-static pad on the work table, correctly install the grounding wire, guide the electrostatic charge in time, control the height of the stack, too high stacking will prolong the lead time of static electricity. 
Timely elimination of the generated electrostatic charge: Use an ion electrostatic eliminator to neutralize the static charge already generated.


Guide static electricity: the grounding wire can be installed in the shell, frame and other areas of the equipment. 
Neutralizing static electricity: the running part of the equipment, ion electrostatic eliminator can be used.

Establishment of electrostatic protection zone:

The establishment of electrostatic protection zone needs to be controlled from five aspects: human, machine, material, law and ring.

In addition, we also need to strengthen the training of people. Only by recognizing the importance of ESD can we meet the requirements of electrostatic protection areas.

03 Sindin&Dynetech ESD protection system

The Sindin&Dynetech ESD protection system uses advanced Internet of things technology to realize the visual and intelligent management of the factory ESD environment and feedback the effectiveness of the anti-static system in real time. 
Advantages of Dainter electrostatic protection system: 
Save the manpower cost of factory ESD management and control. 
Improve the ESD management and control level of the factory and improve the yield of the process. 
Can access the factory MES system.

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