Home > News > Company Information > Shengding wishes everyone a Happy New Year in advance! Let's take a look at the "burning" scene of our annual meeting and tail tooth ceremony!

Shengding wishes everyone a Happy New Year in advance! Let's take a look at the "burning" scene of our annual meeting and tail tooth ceremony!


On January 20, 2019, "Dancing Youth, Showing Passion" Sindin Precision 2018 Annual Meeting and 2019 Spring Festival Gala ended successfully! Colleagues from branches all over the country and all headquarters employees gathered at the Shuangyuewan Honghai Hotel in Huizhou to share the celebration.

Next, let's review the grand occasion of Sindin's 2019 annual meeting, and feel the different charm of "dancing youth and showing passion"!

First, the general manager of Sindin delivered a speech: Mr. Su shared with us the history of Sindin's growth and introduced new products. In 2019, the company's opportunities and growth coexist, and it succeeded in counterattacking in difficult times!

The theme of this competition is "Dancing Youth, Showing Passion", which aims to arouse the extraordinary passionate youth in our hearts and encourage everyone to show passion. Therefore, the little friends have their own unique tricks, sketches, three-and-a-half sentences, catwalks, dances, and songs all on stage, contributing to us one audio-visual feast after another. Look, the handsome guys from the R&D department are here with the "Sail and Sail" dance!

Colleagues in the production department are usually busy, but they also brought us a very exciting language program at a critical time: three and a half sentences. There are so many originals, and several judges have smiles on their faces.

A series of splendid performances, unique language programs, wonderful interactions on and off stage, as well as interspersed links such as lucky draws and on-site awards, pushed the annual meeting to a climax again and again. On behalf of the company, this editor once again thanked our excellent employees, gold medal after-sales and sales champions.

Director Ran of Chongqing Office sang "Ideal" for us. The glorious years are supported by ideals, and adversity and adversity never forget ideals.

The handsome guys in the production department brought us Indian oil, oh no, it's an Indian comedy: "My lover is married, but the groom is not me"!

Surprises are always one after another, with applause, screams, and shouts one after another. It turned out that it was the lottery session again. Seeing everyone's happy faces, the editor was also sincerely happy!

A hundred flowers bloom and a strong lineup, Juhe Company brings us a song: Bright.

Due to space reasons, we did not show everyone's style, including the magic performance of the R&D department and the song singing of the general department. Here, on behalf of the company, this editor would like to thank all the program participants, our host team, the etiquette team, and the director team. This year's efforts will finally bear fruit, and next year's celebration will be held! See you in 2019!
