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Congratulations to Sindin for the first time in 2020 on China Central Radio!


CCTV Beijing, January 13 (Reporter Liu Baixuan and Zhang Qian) According to a report by China Central Radio and Television's Voice of Economy "World Finance and Economics", the New Year's special feature of China's Voice of Economics, "China's Economy at the C position" , today (13th) brings the first part of the tax chapter: the tax burden and the cost of handling taxes have been reduced, and the vitality of enterprises and the business environment have been improved.

Tax and fee reduction "bonus bills" have been released one after another, and enterprises enjoy real money and silver policy preferences

In the "big year" of tax cuts and fee reductions that just passed, how do companies feel about their gains? The "bonus bills" for tax reduction and fee reduction are being released one after another.

Shougang Group disclosed that in the whole year of 2019, the group can enjoy a tax reduction and fee reduction bonus of 1.2 billion yuan. In addition to "big" enterprises, small and micro enterprises are also full of sense of gain. As a science and technology innovation company for college students, Dongguan Sindin Precision Instrument Co., Ltd. is expected to receive 3.75 million yuan in tax and fee reductions in 2019. This saved more than 3.7 million yuan, equivalent to nearly 140% of the company's annual R&D investment.

Seeing the preferential policies of real money, Xian Jianwei, the company's president of operations, was very excited: "We continue to invest the money saved in research and development, and also serve as the tuition fund for our scientific researchers, encouraging them to continue their studies and improve their technical capabilities. In 2020, We believe that the country will further strengthen its efforts to reduce taxes and fees, and we will be more confident and certain to gain more market opportunities."

Trillion-level tax cuts and fee reductions, small and micro enterprises are the first to taste the sweetness

From January 1, 2019, the inclusive tax reduction policy for small and micro enterprises took the lead in opening the curtain of tax reduction and fee reduction. As the "highlight" of tax and fee reduction, the deepening of value-added tax reform will be implemented from April 1, 2019. Among them, the tax rate of industries such as manufacturing has dropped by 3 percentage points, exceeding expectations. Subsequently, a package of measures to reduce taxes and fees, such as lowering social insurance rates and increasing the ratio of value-added tax deductions for the life service industry, has been continuously introduced, and the drumbeat has been intensive.

Li Xuhong, director of the Institute of Fiscal and Taxation Policy and Application of the National Accounting Institute in Beijing, summarized the characteristics of this round of reforms as "advanced efforts" and "obvious policy orientation." "The reform is strong - the value-added tax is the most powerful tax in this round of tax reduction and fee reduction, and it has played a role in deepening the supply-side structural reform and strengthening counter-cyclical adjustment. It can be seen that the value-added tax reform has three strengths. The first is to reduce the value-added tax rate, the second is to expand the scope of input tax deduction, and the third is to pilot the incremental tax refund system. These measures will help guide enterprises to expand investment scale, increase R&D investment, expand reproduction, and enhance enterprise growth. Ability and ability to absorb employment; policy orientation is obvious - this round of tax reduction and fee reduction emphasizes both inclusiveness and structure, and manufacturing, small and micro enterprises, and technology-based enterprises have benefited more. Technological progress and supply-side structural reforms continue to play an important role," Li Xuhong said.

The tax burden is reduced, and the vitality of the enterprise is increased

The latest data shows that for the whole year of 2019, the cumulative new tax cuts and fee reductions exceeded 2 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 2% of GDP, driving the annual GDP growth by about 0.8 percentage points.

   Wang Jun, director of the State Administration of Taxation, said that the tax burden has been reduced, and the vitality of enterprises has increased. "The tax burden of all industries has been reduced to varying degrees, which has effectively promoted economic development. After the deepening of the VAT reform, the average monthly net increase of general taxpayers was 88,800, and 426 of the top 500 Chinese enterprises in 2019 were R&D entities. The investment has increased by 21.7%." Wang Jun said.

With the reduction of tax burdens, there are also tax costs, which will allow more information to travel and less taxpayers to run errands.

   The new version of the "Code of Practice for Tax Collection and Administration" and the "Code of Tax Service" will be released in 2019. The two red-headed documents directly brought about an increase of 13 percentage points in the tax cancellation exemption and immediate taxation ratio, reaching more than 85%.

Tax reduction and fee reduction + optimization of tax processing process to improve the business environment

At the local level, in the past 2019, "tax artifact" has become a hot word.

For example, the intelligent robot on the "i-tax service platform" launched by Inner Mongolia can answer various tax-related questions; Hebei relies on the WeChat public account to develop "tax reduction and fee reduction bonus bills" to make tax reduction and fee reduction bonus more intuitive; "Tax Pass", you can complete more than 100 functions such as tax invoicing by moving your finger in the WeChat applet.

Li Xuhong observed that reducing taxes and fees reduces direct costs, and optimizing tax processing procedures reduces indirect costs. This is a two-pronged approach to improve the tax business environment. "From a global perspective, more tax authorities mainly collect taxes, that is, collection management, and do not undertake the function of tax payment services. However, our tax authorities have provided a large number of tax services in order to effectively implement the policy of tax reduction and fee reduction. And the work of optimizing the taxation process will directly reduce the cost of taxation. The technical term is called tax compliance cost. The less time you spend on tax payment, the better the business environment may be." Li Xuhong said.

According to the "Global Doing Business Report 2020" released by the World Bank, the global ranking of China's business environment has risen by 15 places from the 46th place in 2018 to the 31st place, and has been rated as a global business optimization for two consecutive years. One of the top ten economies with the greatest environmental improvement. Among them, the tax index has risen by 9 places on the basis of the previous ranking, achieving a "three consecutive rises" and is in a steady upward channel.

The World Bank believes that the main reasons for the improvement of the tax index ranking are on the one hand that China has introduced larger-scale tax and fee reduction policies and measures obvious effect.

Reprinted: Central Radio Network
Original title: [Standing in the C-position of China's economy] Tax burdens and tax costs have doubled, corporate vitality and business environment have doubled
Editor: Zou Ningbo
